Linda Schiller-Hanna

Clairvoyant/ Psychic/Medium/ Reiki Master

Contact Linda: 440-343-5303

Welcome from Linda Schiller-Hanna

Linda Schiller-Hanna

If you're on my page, some part of you is discerning if you're part of my "Soul Group". You're checking to see if we have some kind of karmic destiny together, if for a brief moment, or possibly longer.

If you feel resonance, kinship, warmth, connection....then it is likely true.

If you're "pushed back", turned off, or uncomfortable....I bid you on your way with a smile and friendly wave. You'll find your "special reader" down the path. Its OK. I cannot be all things to everyone, nor do I try to be.

I am a Servant of the Light, having accepted my role as a messenger directly accessing the Higher Source to convey messages of hope, help and support. Its what I have chosen to do for more than 42 years.

You might check into some of my writings, explore items I've created for sale, or consider a one-on-one phone or Skype session with me.

You can have a psychic reading, medium-ship session, or opt for some of my other special offerings such as "Higher Self Role Playing".

Have questions about life?

Read Linda Schiller-Hanna's answers to life's questions on »

Inner Kid Keto Inner Kid Keto»

Contact Linda: 440-343-5303

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